Bebiya Sergei is 75 years !!!

The “International Fund Apsny” is honoured to congratulate you on the jubilee - the 75th anniversary.
Your life path is a vivid example of selfless service to science and the country. The professionalism, erudition, extraordinary hard work and dedication have allowed you to become an outstanding scientist, author of numerous publications in the field of botany and forestry, which have earned national recognition and high prestige in the international academic community.
The emergence of new promising areas of scientific thought is associated with your name. You paid much attention to education of the younger generation of scientists. Many professionals working in many sectors of the economy were trained under your leadership.
With a deep-sided knowledge, great energy, professionalism, even today you are renowned as scholar, a member of various scientific organizations, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia in Hungary and etc. All your strength and versatile talent you still devote to your motherland.
On this remarkable day, we sincerely wish you a good health for many years, happiness, prosperity and success in your activity and new achievements!

Sener Gogua
“International Fund Apsny”

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